OPE Prop is dual-licensed, with the concepts/formulas being licensed under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license, and the library source code licensed under the MIT License. You can access the CC BY-SA 4.0 here, and the MIT License here.
Short description
Understanding a license can be difficult sometimes, so here is a brief explanation of the CC BY-SA 4.0 license. The Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA 4.0) allows others to use, share, and adapt your work for any purpose, even commercially. The key conditions include providing appropriate attribution to the original creator and distributing any derivative works under the same license. The MIT License is a bit simpler: you can use the code in any way, but you have to include the original license in any of your works.
Proper Attributions
The CC BY-SA 4.0 license requires creators to provide proper attributions to the original creator when using or adapting the work. Here's a guide for what I will consider proper attributions:
Give Credit: Clearly mention my name – Kyryl Shyshko in your project.
Provide a Link: Include a link to either the OPE Prop website –, or my personal website –
Specify Changes: If you've made any modifications to the original algorithm, indicate this in your attribution. This helps others understand how your version differs from the original.
Be Context-Aware: Ensure that the attribution is visible and accessible wherever the algorithm is used or distributed.
Ask Questions: If you ever have any questions about giving attributions or licensing while using OPE Prop, you can always contact me at either, or on my portfolio.